Call for Speakers

Deadline has been extended to February 3

Each year, 流媒体活动收到的演讲申请比可用的演讲时段要多得多. 因此,我们强烈建议您尽早提交您的Streaming Media East 2023提案. 我们经常在收到后审查并确认头寸. 不要等到最后一刻才提交!

注意:只有当行业供应商也提供最终用户/客户发言时,他们才能获得演讲机会. We also offer sponsored speaking slots for vendors; contact Joel Unickow at for more information.

Dedicated Conference Tracks


The Future of OTT

OTT是电视的未来,在OTT的未来轨道上的会议将深入探讨广播公司如何, cable & satellite operators, MVPDs, vMPVDs, 内容版权持有者可以释放OTT和联网电视的价值. 因为商业和技术因素携手创造一个成功的OTT服务, 我们将着眼于整个OTT生态系统,以全面了解未来的机遇和挑战. 我们还将公布最新的OTT研究,为您提供可操作的数据,帮助您在这个竞争日益激烈的市场中茁壮成长. 它将指向内容创作方面的改进, acquisition, and monetization, 并揭示消费者观看习惯即将发生的变化.

Sample topics include:

  • Making the Leap to CTV
  • Building the OTT Services Viewers Want
  • 直接面向消费者的OTT服务的利弊
  • Combatting Video Piracy
  • Does Live Linear OTT Have a Future?
  • The State of Data in OTT
  • Connected TV Advertising
  • The Future of the Skinny Bundle
  • New Strategies for Audience Measurement
  • The State of Server-Side Ad Insertion
  • 创造愉悦观众的用户体验
  • The Role of Local Content in OTT
  • SVOD vs. AVOD vs. FASt
  • 在多个平台和设备上接触观众
  • Global Content Licensing Challenges
  • 利用数据和机器学习给观众他们想要的东西
  • How OTT is Revolutionizing TV News

Video Engineering & Technology

The Video Engineering & 技术峰会是为那些想要解决方案的首席技术官、工程师和开发人员准备的. 视频生态系统是平台和设备的碎片化组合:向专业人士学习如何消除瓶颈并交付结果. 专家将提供关于编码和转码的会议, packaging and delivery, player and UI development, and formats, protocols, and standards. If you’re looking for deep dives into HEVC, VP9, AV1, VVC, EVC, LCEVC, DASH, CMAF, WebRTC, video optimization, QoS/QoE, or live streaming challenges, you’ve come to the right place. 这是一个深入了解的地方,学习真正的技能和改进,你可以在回到办公室后立即付诸实施, 我们的专家演讲者将帮助你把你的视频提升到一个新的水平.

Sample topics include:

  • The Future of Video Codecs
  • Maximizing the Value of Your Video with AI & Machine Learning
  • 用客观的质量指标微调你的自适应编码组
  • 选择最好的现成的视频播放器
  • The Impact of Open Source Protocols
  • Live Streaming Best Practices
  • How CMAF Can Simplify Streaming
  • 8K and Beyond
  • Managing a Multi-CDN Delivery Strategy
  • 根据不断增长的现场观众的需求进行扩展
  • Are Microservices the Future?
  • Controlling QoE with Better Data
  • How to Customize Encoding, Packaging, & DRM for All Target Formats
  • Are You Ready for CMAF?
  • Objective vs. Subjective Video Quality Metrics

Live Streaming at Scale

Live streaming has never been more crucial, nor more popular, COVID-19大流行在现场生产和交付方面取得了前所未有的进步. 从地面(现场或远程)的生产团队到云和边缘的分布, 成功举办一场大型现场活动是一项艰巨的任务, one where failure isn’t an option. Live Streaming at Scale轨道是关于你如何利用这些进步, 提供指导和最佳实践会议和小组讨论,帮助您确保现场活动顺利进行, 不管你的听众是几千人还是几百万人.

Sample topics include:

  • 你需要多低的(延迟),你怎么才能到达那里?
  • Remote Production Best Practices
  • 利用云进行生产和分销
  • Virtual vs. In-Person vs. Hybrid Events
  • The Role of 5G in Live Event Production
  • Upping Your Sports Streaming Game
  • Monetizing Large-Scale Live Streams
  • The Future of Concert Streaming
  • Adding Interactivity to Your Live Streams
  • 实时直播视频投注,拍卖,和游戏
  • Closed Captioning for Live Events
  • Live Stream Monitoring and Analytics

Video for Enterprise & Education

It's not all about OTT. 过去两年已经证明,流媒体视频是企业沟通和培训的基石, 教育和学术界越来越趋向于虚拟, 视频对非营利组织的未来至关重要, government agencies, and faith-based organizations as well. “企业与教育视频”专为首席技术官准备, IT architects, digital media specialists, 企业视频专家——任何负责防火墙内外视频策略的人. 来了解网络广播的最新发展, video management, delivery, analytics, 以及用于企业通信的用户生成视频, training, collaboration, digital signage, and more..

Sample topics include:

  • Best Practices for Enterprise Video
  • 教育和培训新战略视频
  • Video in Manufacturing
  • 从行政市政厅到小型小组会议
  • Getting the Most Out of LinkedIn Live
  • Effective Social Media Strategies
  • Bring Your Own Device? How About Bring Your Own Content?
  • Keeping the Faithful with Video
  • Engaging Viewers with Interactive Video
  • 混合现实在教育和企业中有一席之地吗?
  • Collaborative Video Tools
  • Making Your Videos Accessible to All
  • Tips for Effective Training Videos
  • Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Video in Education

Session Types


How-To Presentations

愿意分享实用技巧的技术专家, tools, or strategies for deploying online video, 请考虑在流媒体东做志愿者演讲. 我们需要能够在30-60分钟的会议中向人们展示如何一步一步地作为独立的主持人做事情的主持人. 我们不是在寻找产品推销或产品演示.

Round-Table Panels

这些会议由四位演讲者和一位主持人组成,讨论与商业模式有关的主题, 在45-60分钟的会议中讨论盈利策略和行业趋势,不需要演讲.

Benefits of Speaking

所有的演讲者都会收到会议的免费注册, 再加上在行业中有很高的曝光率——所以想想你最近的成功故事或技术投资——而且 submit your proposal today! At this time, due to the large number of speakers, 我们不能支付任何旅行或住宿相关费用.

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